Research Pages

Phrases check

There are 34 sentences below, each with a phrase missing. Please try to write down the missing phrase. Mark each answer with:

D = I don’t know / have no idea!
G = I’m not sure / this is a guess
K = I think I have heard or read this phrase before

  • これは下に挙げたフレーズがどのくらいよく知られているかを確かめる為のものであり、テストではありません!
  • 辞書などを使わずに行ってください
  • あまり時間をかけずに、わからない時は次の質問に進むか、推測で答えて下さい
  • 故意に英語学習者にはあまり知られていないだろうフレーズが選ばれています。殆ど、もしくは全く知っているものがなくても気にせずに進めてください。

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If we stay for another drink we r___  ____  risk ____ missing the last train home.

(have a chance of something bad happening)

Please answer.Please answer.



The police seem to t___  ____  b___  eye ____ people cycling on the footpath.


Please answer.Please answer.


During the meeting, she l___  ____  ____  known  ____ she had been offered a job with a rival company.

(announced indirectly)

Please answer.Please answer.


Tough training every day p___  ____  k___  role ____ helping him become the number one tennis player.

(was a very important reason for)

Please answer.Please answer.


In the meeting, they m___  ____  mention  ____ the new project. So, I don't know what is happening with it.

(did not talk about)

Please answer.Please answer.


He wants to f___  ____  ____  footsteps  ____ his father and become an actor.

(do the same thing as)

Please answer.Please answer.


The extra money won't solve all our problems but it will g___  ____  ____  towards improving the situation.

(make an important contribution)

Please answer.Please answer.


He had done very little work, so it c___ ____ ____ surprise that he failed the test.

(happened as expected)

Please answer.Please answer.


I played well at first, but he eventually g___  ____  better  ____ me and I lost.

(became too strong for me)

Please answer.Please answer.


Although it was very crowded, I managed to c___  ____  glimpse  ____ the Queen when she visited our city.

(see something very briefly)

Please answer.Please answer.


After the accident, it took the family a long time to p___  ____  ____  pieces and return to normal life.

(recover from many difficulties)

Please answer.Please answer.


I know this job transfer will be difficult for you, but try to l___  ____  ____  bright ____ – at least you’ll get more money!

(find something positive about a bad situation)

Please answer.Please answer.


Low pay and poor management l___  ____  ____  heart  ____ our current staffing problems.

(are the most important causes)

Please answer.Please answer.


I know this decision is difficult but we can't just s___  ____  ____  fence. We have to say if we agree or not.

(fail to give an opinion one way or another)

Please answer.Please answer.


Hopefully, the appointment of a female CEO will pave  ____  w___  ____ more equality in the workplace.

(lead to)

Please answer.Please answer.


At first the work was difficult but I soon g___  ____  hang ____  ____ and now it seems quite easy.

(become able to do something)

Please answer.Please answer.


Here is the schedule for the conference. Please note that we reserve  ___  r___  ____ change the order and timings of the presentations.

(can do some action if we need to)

Please answer.Please answer.


I have fixed your car but I can't r___  ____  ____  possibility of the same problem happening again.

(guarantee something will not happen)

Please answer.Please answer.